Thursday, May 21, 2020
Abstinence Only Sex Education Essays - 2119 Words
Where in the first world would one expect the teen pregnancy rate to be the highest? Surprisingly, it is the United States that has the highest teen pregnancy rate of any first world country, more than double the rate of twenty other first world countries and almost ten times greater than that of Switzerland. While some of the disparity can be attributed to factors such as income inequality, the presence of abstinence only education has a major impact on birth and STD rates in the United States in comparison to other countries with more comprehensive programs. It is clear that this difference in approaches has a significant effect, and the United States needs to act to ensure the health of its citizens. Urgent actions are necessary†¦show more content†¦Federal funding has played a large role in this increase, as monetary incentives have been the driving force behind much of the change. To put it in numbers, the amount of federal dollars going to schools that adopted abstinen ce only programs almost tripled in the seven years between 1998 and 2005, increasing from 60 to 168 million dollars a year (Santelli, 75). And among United States school districts that changed their policies, twice as many chose to adopt a curriculum that more heavily focused on abstinence only until marriage as moved towards a more comprehensive program (Landry). This disturbing statistic shows how effective the religious right has been in pushing abstinence only programs in face of a dearth of evidence as to their effectiveness. This effectiveness is mainly due to intense lobbying funded by individuals and organizations on the far right. One man, Raymond Ruddy, has personally put 1.5 million dollars towards advocacy and lobbying for abstinence only programs (Eaton). While lobbying like this commonly happens on both sides of the aisle, in this case public opinion goes against what people like Raymond Ruddy say is necessary. According to a recent study, Ninety-eight percent of paren ts say they want HIV/AIDS discussed in sex education classes; 85% want how to use condoms discussed; 84% think sex education should cover how to use and where to get other birth control, and 76% wantShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught? Abstinence Only Education?1397 Words  | 6 PagesSexual education in schools has become a highly controversial topic over the past few years. Some people believe students should be taught abstinence-only education, while others believe students need the full on â€Å"sex talk†. While the sex education controversy may seem silly, it is very important that students receive the most efficient education possible. When it comes to education parents want their children to receive the most effective kind. This is also very true in terms of sex education. SexRead More Abstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive Sex Education Essay2397 Words  | 10 Pagesthe early 1980s the issue of sex education for American youth has had the attention of the nation. There are about 400,000 teen births every year in the U.S, with about 9 billion in associated public costs. STI contraction in general, as well as teen pregnancy, have put the subject even more so on the forefront of the nation’s leading issues. The approach and method for proper and effective sex education has been hotly debated. Some believe that teaching abstinence-only until marriage is the best methodRead MoreAbstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive-Based Sex Education1301 Words  | 5 PagesAbstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive-Based Sex Education Sexual Education is a controversial topic and many people have pushed for abstinence-only programs. The United States has alarmingly high rates of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence when compared to other advanced countries. Even though there may be minimal differences in the amount of sexual activity in other countries, the U.S. still prevails in high rates of teenage pregnancy, births and abortions (KohlerRead MoreEssay on Abstinence-Only Sex Education does work.1332 Words  | 6 PagesAbstinence-only Sex Education does work. Teenage sexual activity has sparked an outcry within the nation. With such activity comes a high price. Studies have shown that there has been a significant rise in the number of children with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), emotional and psychological problems, and out-of-wedlock childbearing. Sex has always been discussed publically by the media, television shows, music and occasionally by parents and teachers in educational context. Teens hear themRead More Sex Education in Schools: Abstinence-Only Programs Essay2013 Words  | 9 PagesSex Education in Schools: Abstinence-Only Programs Teenage sexual activity is a major problem confronting the nation and has led to a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and teenage pregnancy. The existence of HIV/AIDS has given a sense of urgency to the topic of sex education. The issue of sex education in schools especially in the formative years has been a subject of intense debate among parents, school officials, health scientists and religious authorities worldwideRead MoreShould Abstinence Only Sex Education?869 Words  | 4 Pagesused sex education approach follows the beliefs of the church (Delamater, J. D. Lecture 9/29/14). The sex negativity of the Christian tradition stems from the philosophies of Stoicism and Neo-Platonism which both enforce that sex is solely for procreation. (Delamater, 2014, p. 483) The Christian belief that abstinence is the only moral way to avoid STIs and pregnancy has led to the incorporation of abstinence-only sex education courses in schools. The myth that abstinenc e-only sex education causesRead MoreShould Abstinence Only Sex Education?928 Words  | 4 PagesWhen I was in the eighth grade, I remember attending a sex education course. At the young impressionable age of fourteen, I listened quietly as the lecturer showed us grotesque pictures of sexually transmitted infections and warned us that abstinence was the only effective way to not get pregnant. At the end of lecture, everyone at the assembly was handed a little card that read, â€Å"Virginity Pledge†and we were all required to sign them. Looking back on this memory, I am appalled by the severe lackRead MoreAbstinence Only Sexual Education Vs. Inclusive Sex Education Essay2399 Words  | 10 PagesAbstinence-Only Sexual Education vs. Inclusive Sexual Education In 1981, the Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA) was signed into law by President Reagan. Through the act, the federal government first invested in sexual education programs, all of which encouraged â€Å"chastity and self-discipline.†After this came the Title V abstinence-only-until-marriage program, which was created in 1996 as part of the welfare reform legislation. Finally, the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE), was created inRead MoreSex Education Is More Beneficial Than Abstinence Only Education1404 Words  | 6 Pagessometimes in every day life sex education is a topic on people’s minds. Whether this topic is taught in detail rather than in avoidance of the action is the debate we need to have. It is almost impossible to go all of our lives without being exposed to some level of education of sexual activity. Sometimes that education is associated with positivity and other times it is comparable to the sin of all sins. Sex education is more beneficial than abstinence only education because those taught to avoidRead MoreTeenage Pregnancies And Std Contraction1342 Words  | 6 Pagesin rates of teenage pregnancies and STD contraction. What is it about the US and its approach to sexual education that produces such numbers amongst its youth? The prevailing sexuality education system in the US is abstinence-only sex education programs. Abstinence-only-until-marriage education in schools is highly destructive to its students in multiple ways. Abstinence-only sexuality education does more harm to students than good, and is shown to have adverse effects on its students. The CDC Youth
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Battle Of Massachusetts Bay Colony - 896 Words
In the early 1600s, colonies such as Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maryland, were built on various religious principles. In addition to the colonist focus on gaining their independence and having the freedom to live as they chose; away for England s ruling. However, religion was a major battle for those upcoming settlements. Many had their own perception of what they thought was the truth about the Bible and if anyone opposed their belief, harm was due to them. Around this time, many searched earnestly for the truth, so to find it, they came up with different denominations of Christianity such as Puritans, Protestants, and Catholic. These religions drifted away from Biblical principles and turned to what individuals chose to believe and/or not believe. By this, colonies of Rhode Island, Maryland, and Massachusetts were built and greatly influenced by such beliefs. In Massachusetts, John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, told his fellow Puritans that they were a chosen people on a divine mission (Tindall 71). Which led them to the desire of wanting to set an example for England of what godly people looked like. Winthrop was a man who believed in leading religiously and in order; not democratically. By this, if you were a Dissenter, religions such as Quakers or Catholics, you were persecuted and sometimes it lead to death. Those who weren’t Puritan’s had very few rights and one would be the right to vote (Tindall 73). The government of theShow MoreRelatedAmerican Pageant Chapter 31102 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700  The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism Martin Luther . He declared that the Bible alone was the source of Gods words. He started the Protestant Reformation. John Calvin He spelled out his doctrine in 1536 called Institutes of the Christian Religion. He formed Calvinism. King Henry VIII formed the Protestant Church. There were a few people who wanted to see the process of taking Catholicism out of England occur more quicklyRead MorePrimary Cause Of The Pequot War701 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The main events surrounding the Pequot War occurred between 1637 and 1638. The parties involved were the Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies along with Native Americans from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes against the Pequot tribe.†1633 the Dutch negotiated a treaty to settle on the Connecticut River with the Pequot. Within a year after that, in 1634, the Pequot and Narragansett battles on the Connecticut River periodically. Two generals were killed at that time, and later they figured outRead MoreThe Causes of American Revolution Essay1191 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Revolution was a conflict between 13 British colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America and their parent country, Great Britain. The war resulted in the colonies becoming a separate nation, the United Stated of Am erica. It is also known as the American War of Independence. The Seven Years War left Great Britain with the expensive responsibility of administering newly acquired territory in North America. The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to raise revenueRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War And Defeat Great Britain852 Words  | 4 PagesWe as Americans represent this event in celebrating Independence Day. On July 4th of every year Americans celebrate the departure and independence we obtained from Great Britain. 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In the early 1600’sRead More Native Americans Essays603 Words  | 3 Pages In the early days of English settlement in the American colonies, the Indian-European relationship of each area was the determining factor in the survival of the newly established colonies. By working together and exchanging methods of food production and survival, an English colony could maintain its population and continue to support the arrival of new settlers. However, a colony that had trouble maintaining ties with their Indian neighbors had a tough time attracting settlers and adapting toRead MoreAmerican Revolution - Summary Essay example939 Words  | 4 PagesFour workers are shot by British troops stationed in Boston. The American Patriots labeled the killings The Boston Massacre. 1773- Massachusetts patriots dressed as Mohawk Indians protest the British Tea Act by dumping crates of tea into the Boston Harbor. The British Tea Act was when the British increased the taxes on tea that were shipped to the colonies. 1774- Benjamin Franklin and the First Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia. 1775- Shots are fired at Lexington and ConcordRead MoreEvents Of The American Revolution1264 Words  | 6 Pagestook place in Europe, India and North America. The English and French fought for the total control of the colonies in North America, the Caribbean, and in India. While the English ended up winning the war, they were left with a debt so enormous it almost destroyed the British government. One of the ways the British government tried to shrink their debt was by collecting taxes from the colonies in America. One of the first taxes was the Sugar Act, which imposed taxes on sugar. Although resented, theRead MoreHow Did America Become America?1628 Words  | 7 Pagesall for the thirteen colonies, but the colonies began differently in the north, middle, and south. The colonies built the north and south of America. The original thirteen colonies of America were founded on the eastern coast of what is now the United States between the years of 1607 and 1733. Originally, the c olonies belonged to the English, the Dutch, and the Swedish. By the time of the American Revolution, the colonies were all under British control. The thirteen colonies were divided into threeRead MoreThe s Present And Past History During The Time Of The Revolutionary War Essay1029 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Give me liberty or give me death.†This quote was spoken by Patrick Henry. This paper will discuss Massachusett’s present and past history during the time of the Revolutionary War; as well as the causes of the war, Sons of Liberty, and important battles. Boston was where the action began. It began with taxes being raised, acts being made, such as the Stamp act. They were upset because legislature was taxing the Americans without a representative for the people(Bomboy). British forces arriving was
Bd Railway Free Essays
Organization Behavior of Bangladesh Railway In: Social Issues Organization Behavior of Bangladesh Railway An Assignment ON Organization behavior Submitted To: Dr. Syeda Lasna Kabir Associate Professor Dept. of Public Administration University of Dhaka. We will write a custom essay sample on Bd Railway or any similar topic only for you Order Now Submitted By: Md. Rajvi Hasan Roll No: MM–098 4th Year; 7th Semester Dept. of Public Administration University of Dhaka. Submission Date: 16th May 2011. Assignment topic A Research on Bangladesh Railway [pic] ? Introduction: Roads Railways Division is one of the important Divisions in the Government under the Ministry of Communication. Ministry of Communication comprises two Divisions, 1. Roads Railways Division and 2. Bridges Division. Roads Railways Division shoulders a vast task and plays a vital role in socio-economic development of our country. It governs the Departments/Organizations which are playing very important roles in building our new nation. These are : (1) Roads Highways Department (RHD), (2) Bangladesh Railway, (3) Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA), (4) Bangladesh Road Transport corporation (BRTC), (5) Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Board and (6) The office of the Government Inspector of Bangladesh Railways (GIBR). The principal motto of this Division is to ensure improvement of socio-economic condition of the people of our country through formulating policies regarding roads, road transports and railways and through construction, development, expansion and maintenance of environment-friendly and user-friendly integrated roads and railway transportation. Bangladesh Railway (BR) is the state-owned rail transport agency of Bangladesh. It operates and maintains the entire railway network of the country. Railway operation in today’s Bangladesh began on November 15, 1862 when 53. 11 kilometers of 5 ft 6 in (1,676 mm) (broad gauge) line were opened for traffic between Darsana and Jagiti. The next 14. 98 kilometers 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 3? 8 in) (meter gauge) line was opened for traffic on 4 January 1885. In 1891, the construction of then Bengal Assam Railway was taken up by the British Government assistance but that was later on taken over by the Bengal Assam Railway Company. On 1 July 1895, two sections of meter gauge lines were opened between Chittagong and Comilla, a length of 149. 89 kilometers and between Laksam and Cahndpur, a length of 50. 89 kilometers. Railway Companies formed in England took up the construction and operation of these sections in middle and late 19th century. At time of the partition of India in 1947, Bengal-Assam Railway was split up and the portion of the system, about 2,603. 92 kilometers fell within the boundary of then East Pakistan and control remained with the central Government of Pakistan. Later with the effect from 1 February 1961, Eastern Bengal Railway was renamed as Pakistan Eastern Railway. Then in 1962, the control of Pakistan Eastern Railway was transferred from the Central Government to the Government of East Pakistan and placed under the management of a Railway Board with the effect from the financial year 1962-63 by the presidential Order of 9 June 1962. As of 2005, the total length of railroad is 2,855 kilometres. Of that, 660 km are broad gauge tracks (mostly in the western region), 1,830 km are metre gauge tracks (mostly in the central and eastern regions) and 365 km are dual gauge tracks The gauge problem is being tackled by adding third rails to the most important broad and metre gauge routes, so that they become dual gauge. A major road-rail bridge at Jamuna opened in 1998 to connect the previously detached east and west rail networks. On March 2008, the broad gauge reached Dhaka, the national capital. Funding is being sought to upgrade the network and transform Bangladesh Railway into a profitable business. BR exceeded its target revenue earnings in the fiscal year 2007-2008. Bangladesh Railway provides various types of services ranging from shuttle service for university students to freight and cargo service. But still BR could not make profit as it is providing services to the nation at a subsidised rate in order to help the country’s economy and for the ease of people. Objective: The objectives of this study are 1) To understand evaluate the departmentalization of the BR. 2) To know the Spam of Control system of this organization. 3) To analyze the applicability of the theory of ‘Job Specialization’ in this selected organization. Rationale of the study: We have to overview the internal coordinating mechanism, internal environment the technology, age and the size of the organization. Because without knowing these features we can’t evaluate an organization’s hierarchy, efficiency, working environment in true sense. Research Question: The questions which will lead us to the research: 1. How does the span of control will work in BR? 2. What is the departmentalization of BR? 3. How job specialization is occurred? Hypothesis: On which the research are based on: 1. If it is a bureaucratic structure then the job specialization, departmentalization will be strict. . If it is a matrix structure, then job specialization, departmentalization will be much flexible than the previous one Research Methodology: 1. Content Analysis which is most common method for all types of research. The related books, publications, newspapers, internet sources etc have given information about the total scenario of the organiz ation. 2. I have interviewed few officials to understand the situation of that org. Area of focus: The area we are focusing on: Bangladesh Railway Head Office, Top khana, Dhaka. And, Bangladesh Railway Administrative Building, Kamlapur, Dhaka. Limitations of the study: 1. I had very little time to complete this study. 2. I did not have enough experience to do such studies. 3. As the data are collected from key informants at their working hours, there is chance of not receiving exact accurate information 4. I faced non cooperation from some of the employees. †¢ Chapterization: 1. Introduction: The railway department is a semi-autonomous organization under the The Ministry of Communications. This study intends to find out the internal coordinating mechanism, how does it cope with the external environment. The whole system of communication, tasks, coordinating mechanism prevails around organizational structure. Job specialization departmentalization are the two vital features of organization. And these two are hugely depended on that. If it follows a bureaucratic structure, then the job specialization departmentalization will be as rigid as the bureaucracy. And if it follows a matrix structure, then it will be more open to the environment. 2. Theoretical Framework: In this study, we will try to define these with the following theories: Job Specialization: The method of job specialization involves breaking down a task to its lowest level and designing jobs around each part. This creates specialization, expertise, and improved quality. Job specialization design in the workplace is frequently seen in manufacturing and assembly lines where a worker focuses on one specific task and ability during the entire work shift. The task frequently repeats all day long. Specialization is the process of performing a certain task which makes a person be in limited in performing other activities out of work she/he is specializes purposely. Job descriptions are written statements that describe the: †¢ duties, †¢ responsibilities, †¢ most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position, †¢ required qualifications of candidates, and †¢ Reporting relationship and coworkers of a particular job. Job descriptions are based on objective information obtained through job analysis, an understanding of the competencies and skills required to accomplish needed tasks, and the needs of the organization to produce work. Job descriptions clearly identify and spell out the responsibilities of a specific job. Job descriptions also include information about working conditions, tools, equipment used, knowledge and skills needed, and relationships with other positions. The best job descriptions are living, breathing documents that are updated as responsibilities change. The best job descriptions do not limit employees, but rather, cause them to stretch their experience, grow their skills, and develop their ability to contribute within their organization. Departmentalization: Departmentalization refers to the process of grouping activities into departments. Division of labor creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specialists together in departments. The main types of departmentalization are- †¢ Functional departmentalization – Grouping activities by functions performed. Activities can be grouped according to function (work being done) to pursue economies of scale by placing employees with shared skills and knowledge into departments for example human resources, IT, accounting, manufacturing, logistics, and engineering. Functional departmentalization can be used in all types of organizations. †¢ Product departmentalization – Grouping activities by product line. Tasks can also be grouped according to a specific product or service, thus placing all activities related to the product or the service under one manager. Each major product area in the corporation is under the authority of a senior manager who is specialist in, and is responsible for, everything related to the product line. LA Gear is an example of company that uses product departmentalization. Its structure s based on its varied product lines which include women’s footwear, children’s footwear and men’s’ footwear. †¢ Customer departmentalization – Grouping activities on the basis of common customers or types of customers. Jobs may be grouped according to the type of customer served by the organization. The assumption is that customers in each department have a common set of problems and ne eds that can best be met by specialists. The sales activities in an office supply firm can be broken down into three departments that serve retail, wholesale and government accounts. Geographic departmentalization – Grouping activities on the basis of territory. If an organization’s customers are geographically dispersed, it can group jobs based on geography. For example, the organization structure of Coca-Cola has reflected the company’s operation in two broad geographic areas – the North American sector and the international sector, which includes the Pacific Rim, the European Community, Northeast Europe, Africa and Latin America groups. †¢ Process departmentalization – Grouping activities on the basis of product or service or customer flow. Because each process requires different skills, process departmentalization allows homogenous activities to be categorized. For example, the applicants might need to go through several departments namely validation, licensing and treasury, before receiving the driver’s license. Span of control: The span of control refers to number of employees that directly report to a single manager. Span of control determines the structure of an organization, a narrow span of control results in hierarchal organization while broad span of control leads to flat structure. Since management represents the activities that do not directly result in productivity, they are rather a overhead, span of control determines the additional operational cost. Quantitatively, companywide overhead can be calculated by dividing the total number of management staff with the size of organization. Span of control formulation What is an optimal ratio of manger to direct reports without compromising the productivity? It is a fundamental problem in designing the structure of an organization; empirically this range is pretty wide, from 4 to 22 depending upon the nature of work. In 1933, V. A. Graicunas, a paris based consultant formulated the span of control based on number of direct and indirect relationships that a superior has to manage. Graicunas identified three types of relationships: 1. Number of direct relationships between manager and subordinate, it represents the span of control. 2. Number of peer-to-peer relationships, it represent issues due to interpersonal conflicts. Note that each pair of peers represent 2 relationships and not 1, if there are two subordinates, dick and jane, dick might have different concern for jane than jane’s concern for dick. Hence for a manger, they represent 2 different set of problems and not one. 3. Data analysis ; data presentation: Bangladesh Railway is one of the most efficient ; large departments of GOB. Since the Department was founded the size of the major rail network in Bangladesh has grown. The Department is headed by a Director General who is supported by a number of officers. The total number of personnel in the Department is almost 35,000. It’s a huge number for any organization. To control this kind of large organizations, one needs to have very strong Span of control or line of authority. BR has that. pic] After independence, the railway was first supervised by a Railway Board which was abolished in 1982. Thereafter, the BR came under the jurisdiction of the Railway Division of the Ministry of Communications with the Secretary of the Division working as the Director General of BR. In 1995, instead of being the part of the Ministry, BR came under control of a professional Director General supervised by the Bangladesh Railway Authority that is chaired by the Minister of Communications. As the part of the Bureaucracy, BRfollows the BURREAUCRATIC STRUCTURE, which refers to the Tall Organization. According to the concept it is appropriate for Bureaucratic Organizations. But, it causes some disadvantages too. DEPARTMENTALIZATION can be described as grouping employees on the basis of the similarity of expertise, knowledge. It enhances the success rate of an organization. As BR is a huge organization, it’s divided into several departments on the basis of the similar functions. BR is divided into two zones, East ; West, each under control of a general manager who is accountable to the Director General of Bangladesh Railway. The two zones have their separate departments or operation, maintenance, and finances. Each zone is divided into two divisions that contain departments for Personnel, Transportation, Commercial, Finance Mechanical, Way and Works Signaling ; Telecommunication, Electrical, Medical, etc. Each zone also has its Workshop Divisions, located at Pahartali and Saidpur, respectively. A locomotive workshop is located at Parbatipur for broad and metre gauge locomot ives. BR manages its own Railway Training Academy. A separate Directorate under the Ministry of Communications is charged to inspect different works of BR in relation to safety. Job Specialization is the process of performing a certain task which makes a person be in limited in performing other activities out of work she/he is specializes purposely. It enables employees to become very skilled ; productive at their assigned task. Another motive of departmentalization is to ensure job specialization. It is usually seen that every department of an organization is assigned to those functions or tasks at which they are expert. The downside of job specialization tends to be that people can only do one task. They aren’t trained to multitask or handle multiple areas of a workplace. As a result, when a critical expertise is lost, the process can suffer. Additionally, workers under job specialization don’t have a wide array of applicable skills, so it becomes hard for them to adapt to a new function or need in the organization. It creates monopoly this means after specialization certain field of work may lead into boredom to the worker. Efficient administration of BR is also hindered by lack of rules and regulations that have been approved by the Board but are awaiting Government approval as well. Which creates delay to the recruitment process. Conclusion: Removing the old shield, the whole world is intending to get more modernized. But still we are following the hundreds years old ‘Bureaucracy system’ which has caused nothing but losses. Being a Bureaucratic organization or part BR is no different. They are still following the traditional bureaucratic model with no flexibility. Everything in the organization prevails according to the law ; regulation. Job specialization or departmentalization is fixed. They can’t work out of it, even in an emergency. There is little chance for the subordinates to present their ideas or opinions by crossing seniors. They maintain a very strict line of authority, where managers have the supreme authority. This may be the traditional bureaucratic role. But it has to change according to the needs of this millennium. As like the private organizations RHD officials should be given more freedom, authorization to take faster decision. Only then the organizational goal of customer satisfaction can be achieved. Reference: 1. http://www. railway. gov. bd 2. Class lectures 3. Railway Information book 4. Mr. Ahsanullah Bhuiyan, Deputy Director, Bangladesh Railway. 5. Mr. Sarwar Alam, Asstt. Commercial Officer, Bangladesh Railway. [pic] How to cite Bd Railway, Papers
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